Who is Desiree Perez? Roc Nation CEO comes under the radar as Tory Lanez's father labels her a "snit

Posted by Elina Uphoff on Friday, May 17, 2024

Roc Nation’s Chief Executive Officer Desiree Perez was recently called out by Tory Lanez’s father, Sonstar Peterson, for being a "snitch."

Last week, Lanez was pronounced guilty in the 2020 shooting of rapper Megan Thee Stallion. After witnessing the trial, an angry Peterson ranted to the media outside the courthouse and accused the justice system of being unfair.

Lanez's father directed his anger at prosecutors, cops, Desiree Perez, and Jay-Z. His parents were screaming inside the courtroom, too, calling the court system evil. They were subsequently escorted out, where they vented to the media.

Megan Stallion signed a management deal with Roc Nation in 2019. In June 2021, she was offered full tuition and a four-year scholarship to the Roc Nation School of Music, Sports, and Entertainment at Long Island University. This is allegedly why Peterson claimed that the label was behind Lanez's conviction.

Peterson called out Jay-Z and claimed they plotted against Lanez because he refused to sign a deal with Roc Nation. Peterson then directed his anger at Perez and said:

“And Desiree Perez you wicked witch, you snitch.”

Peterson was upset that no concrete physical evidence was present at the trial. Last Friday, Lanez was convicted of all three charges against him and is currently facing more than a 22-year sentence. The Canadian rapper may also be deported.

Peterson yelled out a wild theory about Desiree Perez and Jay-Z forcing Lanez's conviction through some backdoor channels. He specifically named Perez and Alex Spiro, the victim's lawyer, and added:

“And the whole wicked system of Roc Nation, including you Jay-Z."

Peterson claimed that some of the witnesses who were there to testify against Tory Lanez colluded with the prosecutors.

Desiree Perez rose to prominence from working at a nightclub to CEO of Roc Nation

Aside from being the CEO of the multiservice agency, Desiree Perez is also its co-founder along with Jay-Z. She was the company's Chief Operating Officer from 2009 - 2019, when she became the CEO.

In the mid-1990s, Perez started her career as a part-time manager at a nightclub in New York, after which she rose to her leadership role at Roc Nation. She oversaw growth and development across Roc Nation's services and flagged off new ventures that included music, management, new business development, publishing, philanthropy, television shows, film development, and artist touring.

Roc Nation's CEO Desiree Perez, with husband Juan Perez, and Jay-Z (Image via Getty)

Perez's husband, Juan Perez, is in charge of the sports division at Roc Nation. Desiree has been praised by Jay-Z and others for her ability to create and extend her network, excel in financial matters, and stay organized. She also has a good reputation for being an impactful negotiator.

After being promoted to CEO, Perez focused on promoting and encouraging equality and diversity for women. She also advocates for the reform of criminal justice.

Tory Lanez was found guilty of all three charges

The long-running criminal case filed by Megan Thee Stallion against Tory Lanez ended on December 23 with a jury conviction against the accused. In 2020, Megan Thee Stallion claimed Lanez shot her in the foot after the duo got into a dispute while leaving Kylie Jenner’s pool party.

Lanez was found guilty of carrying an unregistered firearm in a vehicle, discharging the weapon firearm with blatant negligence, and assault executed with a semiautomatic firearm. The victim accused Lanez of using a firearm to inflict severe bodily injury.

When Megan was asked to testify during the trial, she expressed emotional discomfort, given that Lanez was seated across the room. While trying to maintain her composure, the prominent female rapper said she was distressed by the various pressure tactics used by the accused to silence her since the shooting.

Megan Thee Stallion post-verdict (Image via Getty)

The 27-year-old shared that the shooting took a toll on her mental health and blemished her career as industry influencers routinely sided with Lanez and gave compassionate coverage of his version of events. Those eager to see Lanez exonerated often questioned Megan's character while trying to defame her.

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