Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Premiere Recap 5/25/16: Season 2 Episode 1 Lost Souls

Posted by Trudie Dory on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Premiere Recap 5/25/16: Season 2 Episode 1 "Lost Souls"

Tonight on CBS Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders continues with an all new Wednesday, March 8, season 2 premiere called “Lost Souls,” and we have your weekly Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders recap below. On tonight’s Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders season 2 premiere as per the NBC synopsis, “Season 2 begins with the International Response Team being called to Tanzania to investigate the disappearance of a 23-member American church group.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders recap.  While wait for your recap make sure to check out all our Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders news, videos, photos, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The FBI’s International Response Team was back for an all new season of crime fighting however tonight’s case had been a bit of a doozy.

The IRT had been called to Tanzania of all places after an entire church group went missing. But, unfortunately, there had been a few other things with this case that just didn’t make sense besides twenty-three missing Americans. There had also been the fact that the group went missing from a train and that were no indications whatsoever that the train had even stopped once. So the guys didn’t know what to think when they heard that because there had simply been too many questions and not enough time yet that left the guys with one option – travel to Tanzania to find out what happened.

However, there was always a risk of traveling to foreign countries because there had been a few times when the local police or military have resisted the IRT’s help though that wasn’t the situation with the Tanzanians police. The Tanzanians had actually been glad for the IRT’s aide. They had apparently been battling rumors about the missing Americans in which some of the locals had claimed that the church group had been taken by the rapture. So the police and the lead inspector in the case had often run into people claiming that the Americans were in a better place and otherwise refusing to help.

So the IRT and their resources did come in handy. The guys had done their research on the plane ride over and they knew that Brunswick Mission Church had made several trips in the past without incident, but this time there had been a few changes. Like a recent rise in kidnappings because some of the rebel groups believed tourist should be punished more severely than simply getting robbed. Yet, the Inspector had told the guy when they landed that the “punishments” were so far legends because they hadn’t been proven and there had been no signs of the groups that targeted the tourists. And that’s hadn’t been all that Inspector mentioned.

He also told the guys that he and his team had already checked the train and that there had been no evidence of someone breaking or forcing their way onto the train. Though the guys had still wanted to check for themselves and they did find something interesting. They found while there hadn’t been any signs of someone breaking in, that there had been signs of someone jamming the door to keep anyone from leaving. So the IRT had an good idea that what happened was an inside job however the guys that were supposed to meet them after the train was religious and he swore on his children’s immortal soul that he hadn’t hurt anyone.

He had said that they had made the trip several times before and that it was it was the first time that anything like a kidnapping of one of them much less all of them had ever happened. Which was true yet it didn’t help the IRT and it was little comfort to the families of the missing. The families had been notified that their loves ones had seemingly vanished in a foreign country and so many had wanted to wait for news at the FBI headquarters. But, strangely, Monty had only been able to get in contact with the women’s families because he had used their social media account had helped him to track everyone down.

Monty, though, couldn’t say that about the men. The men didn’t appear to have a social media account and so Monty was struggling to find any of their families when there was final a break in the case. However, the break in the case had been when the IRT had found one of the Americans’ bodies. So that was both good and bad news even if did tell them that there was a greater chance that everyone else was still alive because there hadn’t been any other bodies at the scene and what had happened to Jacob Ross had felt personal. Jacob had been beaten, stabbed, and there were a few postmortem injuries that showed overkill.

Yet, Jacob had had a wife that has been trying to divorce him and so Monty was able to get in contact with her, but she hadn’t cared very much about what happened to him and she had hated the church for some reason. She said that Elijah who was another member of the church and Jacob had been close because Jacob had always been a loyal subject. So the word ‘subject’ implied that the guys had been wrong when they assumed that Jacob had been the leader in the church and that he had been handling the money because Elijach let him do it. And so that had led to a few questions about the missing money.

The church had been sending and shipments of basic goods to the region for years. Though the IRT hadn’t been able to explain that much going missing because the one guy that had been stealing from them hadn’t been stealing even half as what was reported. So May told the guys that what she noticed back on the train was that it was only the women’s belongings that had been left behind and that the guys clearly weren’t carrying around much almost as if they knew they hadn’t been going home however that in connection with everything else made the guys realize that the church was in fact a cult.

So Monty did some background work for them and he found out that Elijah had started the church. Then he had enlisted twelve men who became his disciples and afterwards he enlisted the women who have all had experiences with abusive relationships which means they were susceptible to manipulation. But the women had no idea what they signed up for and so they had been kidnapped by the false prophet yet Monty had found out a few things about Elijah. He found out that Elijah had been raised by a delusional young couple that believed he could talk to GOD and that by the time Social Services removed him and his seven siblings, it had already been too late for Elijah.

He truly believed that God spoke to him and that he was a prophet to pass on God’s message. However, he had killed Jacob who was second-in-command and that told everyone that he had been afraid Jacob could one day usurp him. So he wasn’t going what he was doing because God told him to. He had set up a cult, kidnapped women and children, and killed his followers because he had wanted control. Control over something after everything had been through growing up and control because he knew that gave him power though Elijah had made a mistake that did lead to his capture.

Elijah had chosen to set up his camp where most historians believe was site for the Garden of Eden. So it had been easy to find him once they knew how much of a zealot he was and the one hiccup that the IRT had in rescuing the women had been the guards that worked for Elijah. Elijah hadn’t wanted anyone to leave and so he had his men frighten them, but Jack who led the IRT had told him that they should be given free choice and that they should decide if they want to stay with Elijah after everything he had done for them. Though when Elijah gave them the choice, most chose to leave and return to their families.

And while Elijah was arrested in the end, he had somehow convinced a few of them that he was a prophet and so there were a few that was going to need some serious therapy after all this.

